This one really is short and sweet.
God is Great, God is Good. Thank you Lord for Bentley’s little electronic miracles! That’s right. Little miracles. I’m pretty dang confident my angel heard me today, many many times.
We started the day split apart. I couldn’t drive up until this morning. Lindsay was running around like a chicken with her head cut off. At least that’s what she sounded like on the phone. We finally met up at the HEAR Center just in the nick of time (mom was with me). Lindsay’s parents, Mom, Jessica, and Ryan were all in attendance, along with a few friends from Children’s media team.
It all moved so fast. It’s weird. Since surgery, I’ve been going 90 mph. I’ve hardly had a chance to think about today. Which is sort of nice, because I didn’t want to get my hopes up. Although I’m naturally a realist, I couldn’t help but send my imagination into a flurry of dream reactions. I have to try my hardest not to imagine her face lighting up as we turned her ears on. I didn’t get the dream. I got so much more.
The audiologist hooker her processors up to a computer, and slowly played a series of beeps until we got a reaction. She was so happy. We had her sitting up in a high chair, with Lindsay and I on each side. She was playing with her toys, smiling and rocking back and forth. I’m sure the anticipation was all over my face. We were just sitting there waiting on something. We weren’t exactly sure what, but something. As Bentley chomped along on one of her toys, a new series of beeps started. The first few series of beeps didn’t elicit a single wince, but this series was different. Suddenly, B just froze. She stopped everything she was doing and just froze. Lindsay and I both locked eyes. It was like we were speaking to each other. We both telepathically said “She just heard that! Can you believe it? She just heard that! I love you. She just heard that!” The series of beeps stopped, and she went straight back to chomping away at her toys. So simple. What else is she going to do? When we switched to testing the other ear, we got a similar response, but not quite as obvious.
The beeps stopped. It was now time to say something. The room went so silent. Lindsay and I just froze. Neither of us said a thing. We didn’t realize we were supposed to. Haha. Finally I realized it and nudged Lindsay…Lindsay spoke….Bentley paused what she was doing. Her eyes turned up toward the sky. She turned her head toward Lindsay and said “Stop yelling at me mom!” hahahahahaha jk. She didn’t do that. She did pause, but she didn’t do anything crazy obvious. She stalled her chomp, like something weird was going on, but nothing crazy. At least not that I can remember. We did get response from her, but I don’t have the video of those first words. Not yet. It was taken with a fancy camera, and I’ll upload it once I get it.
After talking to her for a few minutes we wore her out. She passed out, and took a nap. During nap time we learned all about her new toys. The new processors, their functions, the colors, all the bells and whistles, it was fun.
As Bentley started to arouse, I thought, “will she startle to sound?” Babies do, why wouldn’t she? So I stuck her processor on and spoke softly. She moved. I took it back off. We let her calm down, and then we decided to try one more time. I told everyone to pick up their phone and start shooting, haha. Then I spoke, and she startled! Just like a little baby would. The video of it is perfect. She was spooked, startled, maybe a little scared. She perceived the sound of my voice, and reacted! That’s all I needed. The potential that exists is endless. I’m cautiously optimistic of the near future, but with Lindsay by her side, she’ll be awesome!
I’ll pull all the footage together soon, and throw up a few more pics. She’s really cute with her new ears. Thank you to everyone who has prayed for my angel over the last year. Thank you to the therapists, the doctors, the nurses, the teachers, everyone. I can’t thank everyone enough. We are so appreciative of all the prayers and support.
The Book of Bentley started a new chapter today. I foresee a few extra chapters as well. Let’s see where this next one takes us, shall we?
Jesus put his fingers in Bentley's ears last week, and she hears today. I just love it!
God is Great, God is Good. Thank you Lord for Bentley’s little electronic miracles! That’s right. Little miracles. I’m pretty dang confident my angel heard me today, many many times.
We started the day split apart. I couldn’t drive up until this morning. Lindsay was running around like a chicken with her head cut off. At least that’s what she sounded like on the phone. We finally met up at the HEAR Center just in the nick of time (mom was with me). Lindsay’s parents, Mom, Jessica, and Ryan were all in attendance, along with a few friends from Children’s media team.
It all moved so fast. It’s weird. Since surgery, I’ve been going 90 mph. I’ve hardly had a chance to think about today. Which is sort of nice, because I didn’t want to get my hopes up. Although I’m naturally a realist, I couldn’t help but send my imagination into a flurry of dream reactions. I have to try my hardest not to imagine her face lighting up as we turned her ears on. I didn’t get the dream. I got so much more.
The audiologist hooker her processors up to a computer, and slowly played a series of beeps until we got a reaction. She was so happy. We had her sitting up in a high chair, with Lindsay and I on each side. She was playing with her toys, smiling and rocking back and forth. I’m sure the anticipation was all over my face. We were just sitting there waiting on something. We weren’t exactly sure what, but something. As Bentley chomped along on one of her toys, a new series of beeps started. The first few series of beeps didn’t elicit a single wince, but this series was different. Suddenly, B just froze. She stopped everything she was doing and just froze. Lindsay and I both locked eyes. It was like we were speaking to each other. We both telepathically said “She just heard that! Can you believe it? She just heard that! I love you. She just heard that!” The series of beeps stopped, and she went straight back to chomping away at her toys. So simple. What else is she going to do? When we switched to testing the other ear, we got a similar response, but not quite as obvious.
The beeps stopped. It was now time to say something. The room went so silent. Lindsay and I just froze. Neither of us said a thing. We didn’t realize we were supposed to. Haha. Finally I realized it and nudged Lindsay…Lindsay spoke….Bentley paused what she was doing. Her eyes turned up toward the sky. She turned her head toward Lindsay and said “Stop yelling at me mom!” hahahahahaha jk. She didn’t do that. She did pause, but she didn’t do anything crazy obvious. She stalled her chomp, like something weird was going on, but nothing crazy. At least not that I can remember. We did get response from her, but I don’t have the video of those first words. Not yet. It was taken with a fancy camera, and I’ll upload it once I get it.
After talking to her for a few minutes we wore her out. She passed out, and took a nap. During nap time we learned all about her new toys. The new processors, their functions, the colors, all the bells and whistles, it was fun.
As Bentley started to arouse, I thought, “will she startle to sound?” Babies do, why wouldn’t she? So I stuck her processor on and spoke softly. She moved. I took it back off. We let her calm down, and then we decided to try one more time. I told everyone to pick up their phone and start shooting, haha. Then I spoke, and she startled! Just like a little baby would. The video of it is perfect. She was spooked, startled, maybe a little scared. She perceived the sound of my voice, and reacted! That’s all I needed. The potential that exists is endless. I’m cautiously optimistic of the near future, but with Lindsay by her side, she’ll be awesome!
I’ll pull all the footage together soon, and throw up a few more pics. She’s really cute with her new ears. Thank you to everyone who has prayed for my angel over the last year. Thank you to the therapists, the doctors, the nurses, the teachers, everyone. I can’t thank everyone enough. We are so appreciative of all the prayers and support.
The Book of Bentley started a new chapter today. I foresee a few extra chapters as well. Let’s see where this next one takes us, shall we?
Jesus put his fingers in Bentley's ears last week, and she hears today. I just love it!