We’ve just about made a decision on the implants Bentley will receive. Nothing like waiting until the last second. I swear Google has been holding out on me. In the last 72 hours I’ve discovered articles, videos, and tech sheets that I haven’t uncovered in the last 12 months. Where did they come from? I have no idea, but they have been a huge help. Mostly they’ve reinforced the brand I am leaning toward. But they have also brought up great information about the other companies that have brought things back to a very tight race. There’s a good chance we will have made this decision before this update goes to print. No pressure huh? Just picking an electronic device to implant in my child’s head that will hopefully stay with her for life and provide her the perception of sounds and make, possibly, the single largest impact on her future development as a kid. No biggie.
It’s crazy to think where we’ve been over the last year. January 30th was the date we discovered Bentley is deaf. It has been a busy year. If someone had told me we could experience a year like this, I would have told them they were nuts. So many changes for the Bryant family. Some good, some bad. I’m just so thankful Lindsay and I could experience it together.
I’ll go ahead and wrap this bad boy up. Shortest post yet, I believe. I’m going to end by asking for something. Please support the Bell Center at the Mercedes Marathon. A very famous blind and deaf girl will be on hand. She is super cute. Come out and meet her in person (If Operation Lonely Girls doesn’t have her on lock-down). We are blessed to have two teams running in Bentley’s name. I honestly can’t find a link to one of them, but I just did. They both support the same amazing place, The Bell Center. So, thank you to Team Bentley and Team Achilles’ Bells’s. (The green means you can click on it and go donate if you are super generous and actually care like that) Team Bentley is a group of some great friends who we love very much from our days in Hoover. Team Achilles' Bells's is a team who runs for the Bell Center and one of the runners has a child with cochlear implants.
Thank you for keeping up with B. Please throw up a quick prayer on Feb. 16th, because you’ll probably still be asleep when she goes to surgery on the 17th. We’re praying for God to guide Dr. Wooley’s hands, and a quick recovery. I’ll keep you posted on her progress. Then, I may share something when we turn them on, on Feb. 27th!!!