After leaving our meeting with the neurologist last week we knew a muscle biopsy was going to be on the schedule soon. After the surgeon’s office called to schedule an appointment for this past Tuesday, we couldn’t believe how fast they had gotten us on the schedule. Unfortunately, it was a false alarm. I was curious as to why anesthesia never called to give us a heads up for preop stuff on Monday. It was because all we were doing was going to meet the surgeon and learn about what the biopsy entailed. This was nice, but if the office had told us that Lindsay wouldn’t have taken the day off of work and I would have gone to class. So, now we have the biopsy scheduled for next Tuesday, April 9th. Bentley will have to be put under anesthesia again, like the MRI, and the procedure should last an hour or so. He will take a nice little snippet of her thigh muscle. Anesthesia twice in a month’s time is kind of nerve-racking, even for me. I’m excited for the test results, but not to eat the expensive breakfast sandwich this soon after the last one.

What if she’s got a cognitive learning disability?
What if she has muscular dystrophy and that affects it?
What if she has the attention span of her father?
What if I leave her in the grocery store? – oops, wrong “what if” game.
Could one of these factors prevent her from getting implants? I could ask so many questions, and most aren’t even relevant yet.

Well, I guess I’ll stop now. Muscle biopsy Tuesday. Oh yeah, I just learned there is going to be a cornhole tournament at Avondale Brewery on April 27th supporting The Bell Center, in case you want a fun afternoon tossing beanbags.
I’ll throw in an update soon about when the Texas and Nashville Bryants and the North Carolina Owens came to visit Bentley. It was fun.