Well, here we go. Bentley has made so much stinking progress over the last few months. It’s really amazing to see what God has done through Lindsay to help Bentley get stronger and become more vocal. I know I keep saying it, but I’ll put together a video showing some progress soon. Finding the time to piece it all together is a little tough.
Her speech is really coming along. We have entered the world of music and as you can imagine, this is really getting her going. My Spotify playlists are starting to fill up with all sorts of random kiddy songs. Almost every morning, on my long drive to work, my music gets interrupted with the Good Morning song by The Kiboomers. Each morning Bentley gets to hear the Good Morning song. Her face lights up as soon as the lady starts singing. It’s so cool. That’s our new way of saying “GOOD MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!” She seems to like it. I tried “Good Morning Vietnam” with Robin Williams, but didn’t get the same response. We have Bentley a little piano and she can bang on it for days. We discovered if you sit her in front of a real piano you have instant baby sitter, as long as she doesn’t fall off the bench. She hasn’t. Although she did fall off the bed. It was inevitable. Blind toddlers do that sometimes. Lindsay was beside herself. I reminded her, one day Bentley will walk into walls, right now she crawls into floors.
Bentley’s strength is not progressing quite as fast as we would hope, but showing improvement. We do standing exercises multiple times per day. We have this cool “standing chair” that isn’t a chair at all. It’s a convoluted harnessed contraption. It’s basically two poles with a bunch of straps between them holding her up. She stands in that 10-15 min a day. Then I do some exercises with her each night. She’s starting to lock-out her legs some, which is nice. Crawling still really isn’t happening either. She kind-of scoots along the floor dragging her arms behind her. Lindsay does some serious crawling training during the day. I’m, honestly, terrible at it. You have to keep her legs narrow together and help her move her arms ahead of her so she kind of pushes and pulls herself. We do some assisted pushups hoping to encourage her to push herself off the ground. The thing is, she loves the ground. It doesn’t bother her at all. That’s not what you want when teaching her to push up. I really wouldn’t be surprised if she walked before she formally crawled. That could be in 2017, but it could happen.
Bentley had her first day of school today. Like everyone else lately. The next class she begins at The Bell Center requires Lindsay to drop her off and leave during class. It’s a group where volunteers help the kids do their activities. Lindsay is pretty anxious about it. I’m trying to get her to just go grab a turtle deluxe at O’Henry’s. Who am I kidding? Lindsay barely made it out of the building. Bentley did great though. When Lindsay walked back in she was sitting up at a table just talking away.
We’ll let you know how it goes. Ok guys. Ya’ll have a great week. Thanks for the prayers and support for my angel. Thank YOU for being awesome.