She can’t do any of that. But she is stilling growing like a weed. Big moments have been happening. Around Thanksgiving we bought a new car seat. A purple “big-girl” car seat. Pretty exciting. She no longer fits in the bucket. She loves this thing. She can sit up and face forward. It didn’t take her long to figure out how to sleep sitting up too.

Right after her birthday we went to Wilmington, NC for a Bryant Family gathering, where she got to play in the sand and hang out with cousins for a few days. We also had a nice early Thanksgiving dinner. On this trip we are pretty confident Bentley learned what the phrase “All done” means. You can see her response in the videos below.

Christmas saw a lot of fun with the family. Bentley got to play with her newest cousin, Juliana. Juliana is Jarod and Elena’s second child. She’s a sweet little ball of joy. We attempted the famed Bryant/Clark grandkid Christmas picture again. I actually missed videoing it this year, but I hear it was almost as good as William biting Bentley’s ear again. Trying to corral 13(?) kids under 5 is no easy task (my numbers may be off, there’s so many of them I can’t keep up. It feels like each month a new baby pops out).

Big news in the napping world: Bentley is finally taking a daily nap on a fairly reliable basis. This comes as a huge relief to Lindsay. She was very concerned Bentley had Non-24. Haha, not really. The nap is nice for Lindsay, though. Now she has a few minutes to herself. However, that will only last for a few more months.
B has pretty much proven you don’t have to see or hear well to be your typical 2yo. She is definitely learning how to throw a fit or tantrum. I’ll admit, they are pretty funny to watch. We have frequent fights over wearing our ears. She likes to throw them off, a lot. We have been told that is a battle she is not allowed to win. So we fight the good fight, and teach her lessons on losing. Fun times. Seeing the “normal” developments is really pretty amazing. A tribute to God’s awesomeness and how he created us to grow and learn and blossom into these little people with personalities and strong wills.

Thanks for checking in on Bentley. It is so exciting watching her grow and explore the world. We can’t wait to see how her world expands when she has to share the attention as a big sister. In case you haven’t caught wind, Lindsay is due with Baby Girl Bryant #2 on June 6. We’re very excited and a little anxious. I’m sure Bentley will be an awesome big sister, just as soon as she figures out that she is one. Please send the prayers Lindsay’s way as she prepares to tackle two on a daily basis. Talk to ya soon…later.