She was extubated straight to a high flow nasal cannula. No BIPAP mask this time. About 4pm we gave her the first honeybear of apple juice, and she sucked it down faster than she ever drank her juice before. A few minutes later she downed half of another one. She has been playing with toys and smiling a good bit. She still hates being suctioned, but it forces her to whine a little. Her sweet voice is fighting through raspy vocal chords and chapped lips.
I am elated. This time last extubation we were still on pins and needles, with very little confidence she would go the distance. I feel good about this one. The respiratory therapy is scheduled pretty frequently. A lack of a cough is my only concern at the moment. We still have suction and good therapists, so I think they can compensate.
Prayers of praise and thanks tonight, along with some continued support. Great people up here. Very thankful for all of their hard work.