Another productive day in the ICU. At this moment Bentley is easy to arouse. She is resting comfortably with a small amount of sedative on board to help. She listened to some Jewel this afternoon and some songs from me. She is moving her arms and really trying to move out of every position her nurse puts her in. Although, the meds are keeping her from being very successful.
During the course of last night, the breath sounds in her left lung became diminished. It was determined this morning that she needed a bronchoscopy to suck out some of the secretions and give the lung an opportunity to expand and exchange oxygen. The bronch was performed around lunch and got a lot of nasty mucus out. Her lung is showing improvement following the bronch. However, she may need to have another one tomorrow before the ventilator can be removed. This will be determined following her chest xray and ABG’s in the early morning. They are still using medications to help pull some fluid off of her body, she is still rather swollen. Today they removed her urinary catheter and her central line (big IV). She is left with two regular IV’s, NG tube, and ET tube (for the vent). They also began tube feeds to provide some nutrition.
Bentley is progressing. We are very confident in the plan at hand. Please continue to pray for the team of providers in this unit. They have so many children to care for. Thank you for the continued prayer and support. Bentley has been prayed over so many times the last few days. We cannot begin to show enough appreciation. We know it is through His hands Bentley’s care is provided.